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MacBook Pro 終極升級方案

發表於 12-3-2014 18:25:13 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式


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小弟手上的MacBook Pro 是Early 2011款, 3年 Apple care 亦已到期, 查詢後發現原來已不能再續保, 即意味部機只能等死。
無錢買新款機, 因為買咗部新相機, 但正因呢部新機, d相下下幾十MB, 又要拍片, 部機已經步入晚年, 仲要增加工作量真係冇陰功,

CPU: i7 2.0MHz
RAM: DDR3 1333 4GB X 2
HHD: 512GB 7200rpm SATA III

基本上可以換的只有HHD及RAM, 其他嘢應該無得攪, RAM方面就好簡單, 加到16GB已打爆, 無得再加亦唔會想再加( RAM好q貴)
Hardisk 就煩啦, SSD似乎是唯一選擇, 但買得起就容量唔夠, 容量大嘅又真係天價。呢排又發現有SSHD呢樣產物(其實有咗好耐, 不過一排冇留意就落後咗)
在網上爬文章, 發現有人升級至雙HHD, 即一隻SSD行OS, 把DVD disc drive 移走, 裝多一隻傳統hardisk, 咁就可解決系統操作快速及大容量檔案儲存的問題。
好! 諗住出去買料開工, 點知又遇到另一問.......選擇SSD ??? 牌子 ?? 乜SLC, MLC ?? 有冇人可以解答?

發表於 12-3-2014 23:25:57 | 顯示全部樓層

等你出升級報告!我果部都好似係 2011 年。

發表於 12-3-2014 23:53:06 | 顯示全部樓層


MLC vs SLC head to head

Vendors may prefer not to discuss the differences between the technologies, but understanding the underlying technology can influence deployment strategies. So, what are the key differences between MLC and SLC flash SSD?

All flash memory suffers from wear, which occurs because erasing or programming a cell subjects it to wear due to the voltage applied. Each time this happens, a charge is trapped in the transistor's gate dielectric and causes a permanent shift in the cell's characteristics, which, after a number of cycles, manifests as a failed cell.

SLC uses a single cell to store one bit of data. MLC memory is more complex and can interpret four digital states from a signal stored in a single cell. This makes it denser for a given area and so cheaper to produce, but it wears out faster.

So, an MLC cell is typically rated at 10,000 erase/write cycles, while an SLC cell might last 10 times that before failing. However, manufacturers of products consisting of MLC cells can and do have ameliorating technologies and techniques at their disposal.

According to Andrew Buss, service director at analyst firm Freeform Dynamics, amelioration techniques used by most vendors include wear-levelling, which moves write cycles around the chip so that cells wear evenly; on-device deduplication, which reduces the volumes of data written and so lowers wear; redundancy, which reserves a portion of the device's capacity to replace cells as they fail; and write optimisation, which stores data writes so they can be made in large chunks to reduce the number of write operations. The emerging term for MLC products that incorporate such techniques is enterprise MLC, or eMLC.

Most such techniques are implemented in the device controller -- the interface between device and computer -- with companies such as SandForce and Intel among the most advanced in implementing such techniques, according to Buss. And despite the endurance issues related to SSDs, they remain, say vendors, more reliable than spinning media.
發表於 13-3-2014 00:51:54 | 顯示全部樓層
出處:http://www.computerweekly.com/fe ... SD-is-right-for-you

MLC 的 ease/write cycles,
SLC 比 MLC 耐用足足10倍,但當然代價就係貴D
用在你部就打柴的 macbook pro,相信 MLC 會比較合適啦
 樓主| 發表於 13-3-2014 12:22:06 | 顯示全部樓層
本帖最後由 alexphoto 於 13-3-2014 12:45 PM 編輯
Homan 發表於 12-3-2014 11:53 PM

多謝提供, 我亦參考咗以下綱頁,

Leaderboard - Best Hard Drive, SSD and Storage Solutions

OCZ Vertex 460 240GB 2.5 Inch / 1.0 SSD Review Read/Write Benchmark


發表於 13-3-2014 12:25:45 | 顯示全部樓層
alexphoto 發表於 13-3-2014 12:22 PM
多謝提供, 我亦參考咗以下綱頁,

屬於 MLC ?

 樓主| 發表於 13-3-2014 12:47:58 | 顯示全部樓層
Yes, MLC
 樓主| 發表於 13-3-2014 18:07:55 | 顯示全部樓層
但而家又面對另一個問題....如何reinstall the Mac OS ?
網上有幾種教學方法, 方法1, 用USB手指安裝一個叫 Disk recovery Assistant 之後唔知點樣又利用佢來boot機, 方法2, 用software將現時正使用的OS clone 到新的SSD, 然後先裝上開機, 方法3, 裝上新SSD開機, 然後開機經internet 重裝 OS, 跟住再次用Time Machine restore .....
發表於 13-3-2014 22:24:51 | 顯示全部樓層
alexphoto 發表於 13-3-2014 06:07 PM
但而家又面對另一個問題....如何reinstall the Mac OS ?
網上有幾種教學方法, 方法1, 用USB手指安裝一個叫  ...

我建議用 time machine backup, 再 restore 入 SSD, 搞掂

 樓主| 發表於 14-3-2014 14:21:19 | 顯示全部樓層
Homan 發表於 13-3-2014 10:24 PM
我建議用 time machine backup, 再 restore 入 SSD, 搞掂

現在的問題應該只有上帝先攪得掂............如何將500GB的 Time Machine Backup restore 落隻 250GB 的SSD

發表於 14-3-2014 15:38:20 | 顯示全部樓層
買個 external harddrive 做 time machine 囉。
 樓主| 發表於 14-3-2014 17:48:24 | 顯示全部樓層
egg_studio 發表於 14-3-2014 03:38 PM
買個 external harddrive 做 time machine 囉。

我係用external  做 time machine , 但問題係而家佢話我 harddisk 容量不夠, 不能recover, 不過我明明check過 Macbook HD內只有百零GB, 而我只係recover最後果次的Backup, 無理由256GB的SSD會唔夠位, 係咪OS內仲有量隱藏檔案?  唔通佢要個SSD同Time machine 個harddisk一樣大? 咁就pk啦, 我個 Time machine成2TB

發表於 14-3-2014 20:22:54 | 顯示全部樓層
alexphoto 發表於 14-3-2014 05:48 PM
我係用external  做 time machine , 但問題係而家佢話我 harddisk 容量不夠, 不能recover, 不過我明明che ...

發表於 17-4-2014 12:18:49 | 顯示全部樓層
2011年就已經死左? 我部air都係2011年仲好順
btw 可唔可以詳細整個有圖教學
發表於 17-4-2014 16:45:54 | 顯示全部樓層
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