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MacBook Air CPU 九十幾度!

發表於 4-9-2012 01:13:06 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式


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今日用 MBA 以 Adobe LightRoom convert 大量相片,發現風扇不斷地響,而 CPU 溫度一下子升到 92C!
不知道是 MBA 的能力問題 (沒有獨立圖像卡)
還是設計問題? (機身細小散熱能力有限)

Screen Shot 2012-09-04 at 1.00.36 AM.png

不過只要 convert 完畢溫度回復正常…
Screen Shot 2012-09-04 at 1.12.11 AM.png

發表於 4-9-2012 12:26:41 | 顯示全部樓層
你感受到嗎, 你體驗到嗎~~
 樓主| 發表於 4-9-2012 14:50:17 | 顯示全部樓層
不過話時話, mba 得4g ram 同埋無獨立 display 卡真係影響好大
我用部雙核 i5 1.7 來 lightroom convert 相, 比起我用 iMac c2d 2.66 來 convert 都要慢!
 樓主| 發表於 4-9-2012 19:35:10 | 顯示全部樓層
相信用 lightroom 最依靠獨立顯示卡吧?
按 spec 計,我部MBA 是 i5 1.7G 4G Ram
但 convert 了一晚…

發表於 22-9-2012 12:45:08 | 顯示全部樓層
其實同你地用D保護殼、keyboard cover 都有關係…
MacBook Air 的設計係每一個環節都有佢用途,加左野O向上面好可能影響散熱架
 樓主| 發表於 23-9-2012 12:18:06 | 顯示全部樓層
如果用 Mountain Lion,快D update 去 10.8.2 啦,會顯著解決過熱及明顯加長電池壽命
The following observations are anecdotal and not scientific by any means, but findings thus far with OS X 10.8.2 include:

    Dramatic improvements to battery life on three different MacBook Airs (2010, 2011, and 2012 models), each jumping by at least 2 hours to an average of 6 hours under normal use
    Portable Macs running OS X 10.8.2 appear to run at lower temperatures and are noticeably cooler to the touch, perhaps suggesting the original battery life issue was related to power management or an errant background process

The largest boost was found on a 2011 MacBook Air 11″ model, which jumped from 3.4 hours to 6 hours on a full charge. This was shown by the Battery Time Remaining app and proved accurate while running a clock to observe battery drain under standard usage conditions at 70% display brightness.

from OSXdaily
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