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PocketWizard FlexTT5 for Nikon flash system

發表於 25-3-2010 11:34:16 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式


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過去數月見C_foo兄玩PocketWizard 的TTL飛燈玩到出神入化, 高靈敏度及精準的輸出控制,非一眾祖國牌子能及。就算貴也貴得有道理。
但Nikon人就得個恨字, 一直以來Nikon版只聞樓梯響, 最近官方終於向外公報有關最新消息, 但唔知好過知, 因為佢只係講俾大家聽仲有排等
不過至少等你哋知道佢哋真係有做嘢, 只係有太多問題需要解決, 咁我哋繼續放長雙眼等.............!
發表於 25-3-2010 11:51:30 | 顯示全部樓層
貴得有道理架,話時話都想入多隻 TT5
發表於 14-7-2010 16:27:24 | 顯示全部樓層
copy from PocketWizard Product Updates - June 2010
Nikon MiniTT1 and FlexTT5:  Significant progress has been made on the firmware this month as expected.  We have been selectively getting beta units into the field for further testing.  We have been reluctant (to say the least) of publishing a release date simply due to the unpredictable nature of the firmware development.  We also know how much this drives you crazy.  Best case from where we are today is shipments beginning in August.
發表於 21-8-2010 01:36:42 | 顯示全部樓層
it is very positive...

We expect development and testing to continue well into September.  At this point, it is all about the firmware.  Getting to a production release will be determined by how well testing continues to proceed as we work through the matrix. If you’re an optimist (difficult, we know), October shipments may be possible.....

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