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幣家伙:Nexus One 推出首周賣出 2 萬台

發表於 15-1-2010 00:33:44 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式


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我自己唔睇好嘅 Google 手機 Nexus One 第一個星期只賣出 2 萬隻......今日有幸有朋友出咗機,玩過後發現如之前 post 所料,基本上係一部梗硬用快 CPU 谷嘅機。看不見有乜野 "革命性" 可言。當然比 WM 機好,但如果要我響 iPhone 之間選一部,我應該會選 iPhone 或遲 d 出果部 SE xxx (唔記得個型號)

Nexus One 有一個問題,就係同 Mac 唔知點同步??? Google 冇好似 iTunes 、iPhoto等 software "一站式" 處理晒 d 歌、相、video 等,而 email 佢又好 "迫" 你用 Gmail 。但由於工作關係,我需要 IMAP email client 多於 gmail.


The Google Nexus One sold an estimated 20,000 units in its first week, according to market analytics firm Flurry.

Although the Nexus One received a lot of buzz as Google’s own entryinto the Android phone business, the sales number isn’t thatimpressive. We’ll see if Google actually confirms or disputes thisnumber.

Flurry monitors the usage of more than 10,000 developer applicationson iPhone and Android platforms. It tracks over 25 million end usersessions per day. From that, it was able to figure out the first weeksales for the Nexus One as well as prior phone launches such as themyTouch 3G, Droid, and iPhone 3GS. The iPhone 3GS sold more than amillion units over the first three days of sales in June, 2009. TheDroid, an Android phone built by Motorola and launched in November,sold 250,000 units in its first week, more than 12 times as much as theNexus One.

The Nexus One may seem like a dud. It has gotten good reviews forfeatures such as Google Voice and Google Maps. But Flurry notes that ithasn’t lived up to the early expectations, and distribution, pricing,and marketing have not been aggressive. Having real in-storerepresentatives to let you touch and feel a phone — like the bigcarriers do — may turn out to be a competitive advantage. Consumers maynot be used to going to a Web site to buy a phone; and they maybe stuckin the middle of a contract with a carrier, another disincentive forswitching. While Verizon spent $100 million marketing the Droid, andhas plenty of customers ready to upgrade, Google merely sells itsdevice directly to consumers via its own web site. Google also launchedafter the holidays.

T-Mobile, the carrier partner for Nexus One, did not provide thesame carrier co-marketing support as it did for the myTouch 3G launch.And Google has set its direct-to-consumer price for the Nexus One atover $500.

發表於 15-1-2010 11:58:55 | 顯示全部樓層

幾年前,當Steve Jobs 宣佈推出iPhone 時,當時的手機都仲係用緊單點壓力感應式的touch screen,到3Gs都出左之後,HTC, Samsung, Nokia等先開始推出multi touch的輕觸式screen…


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