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Sling 出咗個 beta 嘅「自學搖控」,利用 Windows + Firefox / IE + plugin 響網頁連接 Slingbox, 然後利用 Slingbox 內置的 IR receiver 學習任何 AV device 搖控的 IR code,咁理論上任何錄影機、高清盒、cable box 等等都可以用到 Slingbox。
Slingbox 搖控學習網頁:
尋晚玩咗一輪,我淨係試咗 8 仔 HD2008 (不過呢個本身都已經有 IR code) ,發現雖然「學習」到,但之後有某 d 掣㩒唔到。
我已響 Sling forum 報告咗呢個問題,之後有人回覆都有相同問題。詳情請見:
http://www.slingcommunity.com/fo ... supported-Devices./
我個 user ID 係 kayw
I use iMac but load WinsXp by BootCamp.
Working on Firefox, the Remote learning feature works ok. After learning most buttons successfully, some buttons don't work. I re-program them but no help.
These buttons are not work : Up, left, down (right is fine) , menu, clear (exit), page up, page down, and ALL number.
My device is Eight HD2008. I use Alan Richey's IR code that works very good.
I will re-do it again soon. (or wait until the Mac version is available) |