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Windows 7「偷學」Mac OS?微軟先承認後否認

發表於 14-11-2009 10:39:25 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式


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Windows 「偷學」、「抄」、「靈感」自 Mac 機從 Wins 95 時已開始有人討論,沒完沒了的。近日 Wins7 推出,這話題又被炒起。

轉載自 Cnet 2009年11月13日

前兩天,微軟一位主管對外受訪時才說Windows 7的設計受到頗多蘋果Mac OS的「感召」,但事隔一天,微軟又出來否認此一說法。

Microsoft Partner Group經理Simon Aldous在接受PCR採訪時提到,Windows 7設計靈感有受到Mac OS的影響。他還脫口說出,這個新作業系統原本就是要「做出Mac外觀的感覺」(create a Mac look)。

但週三Windows團隊則緊急貼出部落格,標題是「我們如何設計Windows 7的外觀與感覺」。文內提到:「網路上傳出Windows 7的外觀設計抄襲Mac OS X,這種說法是被誤解了。」

撰文者Brandon LeBlanc提到,「當初說這句話的微軟員工並沒有參與Windows 7的設計,他雖然也是微軟裡面的人,但我不得不說,他的發言不正確,且不是事實。」

不過比較有趣的是下方留言,有一位網友「i-dont-do-tat」提到:「我認識Simon Aldous,我們同在英國共事多年,他只是實話實說而已,他只是認同一般人的見解,認為Mac的確很酷,是一個很棒的仿效範本。」

PCR 節錄:(原文請看 http://www.pcr-online.biz/features/328/Microsofts-new-vision)

PCR talks to Microsoft's partner group manager, Simon Aldous (egg_studio 按:PRC 是一電腦 I.T. 雜誌)

Is Windows 7 really a much more agile operating system, in terms of the specific uses it can be moulded to?

The interesting thing is, it’s basically the next version of Vista. Vista was a totally redesigned operating system from XP. We’ve improved upon Vista in that way. We’ve stripped out a lot of the code, we’ve made a lot of it much more efficient, it sits on a smaller footprint, it operates far more quickly, it’s far more agile and effective in terms of the calls it makes. I saw an article recently that described it as ‘Vista on steroids’, and in some ways you can absolutely relate to that.

One of the things that people say an awful lot about the Apple Mac is that the OS is fantastic, that it’s very graphical and easy to use. What we’ve tried to do with Windows 7 – whether it’s traditional format or in a touch format – is create a Mac look and feel in terms of graphics. We’ve significantly improved the graphical user interface, but it’s built on that very stable core Vista technology, which is far more stable than the current Mac platform, for instance.

So you’ve taken the style of the Mac platform and built it on the more solid foundations of Vista?

We’ve taken everything that’s good about Vista, along with the core infrastructure of the operating system, and we’ve made it faster and slimmed down the code to make it more effective.

另外,上面條友話, Wins7 係 "basically the next version of Vista", "totally redesigned operating system from XP", "stripped out a lot of the code" 本上 Microsoft 係唔會做 "stripped out code" 呢 d 行為 (從 Wins95 --> WinsMe, WinsNT --> Wins Vista 可見,每次 upgrade 就係加新功能及 bug fix -- 請看另 post) 從商業角度,由於 PC (Personal Computer) 係一種開放系統,  廠家可自行生產 hardware 裝於 PC 上。假如 Windows 真的「瘦身」or rewrite code / system, 令執行速度加快,損失嘅係 Microsoft 的「合作伙伴」......

 樓主| 發表於 14-11-2009 10:52:36 | 顯示全部樓層
今日響 PCR website 見另一則文章,文章不長,有興趣可看看。

轉載自 PCR 13-11-2009

Following the debate on whether Microsoft copied Apple software in its design of Windows 7, Robert Peckham, TCA director responsible for Macs, has told PCR that it probably did – but that this practice is hardly unprecedented in business.

"I've looked very closely at Windows 7, and there are certainly many new features in it that I have to agree were clearly inspired by Mac OSX, and there were similar 'inspirations' in Vista and XP before it," says Peckham. "Many of these 'inspirations' also exist in various Linux-driven operating systems too."

The controversy stemmed from statements made by a Microsoft exec originally published by PCR, and subsequent stories circulated the internet causing significant debate – today reaching the BBC. Microsoft released a statement to us denying that Windows 7 was inspired by Apple OSX.

The director of the UK's leading trade body for the PC industry also says that there are plenty of features in Windows 7 that storm ahead of Apple OSX, and that Apple will have to 'catch up' with these.

"The automotive industry has thousands of technology advances that can be originally accredited to one manufacturer, but then get built into most makes – is this copying? And this is true of pretty well every type of technology out there. Windows 7 has a few features which put it ahead of OSX, like Snap (yes, Mac OSX has Exposé, but it's not as neat), AeroPeek previewing, and the amazingly simply VPN connectivity integrated with Server 2008 R2 – how long until Apple catch up with those, I wonder?"

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