香港屋村隨拍 (航拍)
新手分享,試試水溫IG: 發表於 30-7-2020 04:37 PM
Yep! I'm using the Mavic 2 Pro for these photos, which has a larger sensor but a fixed lens.另外有 ...
明白, 多謝分享! 好靚, 航拍真係影到相機影唔到嘅位。 航拍機鏡頭有無話點分? ShingWong@G 發表於 30-7-2020 04:22 PM
Yep! I'm using the Mavic 2 Pro for these photos, which has a larger sensor but a fixed lens.另外有啲其他級數嘅航拍機,都可以影到差唔多質素,不過後製嘅幅度無咁大
choiMatthew 發表於 30-7-2020 04:37 PM
Yep! I'm using the Mavic 2 Pro for these photos, which has a larger sensor but a fixed lens.另外有 ...
謝!明白。 幾清幾穩定喎~:) leonkin 發表於 31-7-2020 08:59 AM
Yea... but also need to fly within the limits of the drone.Like it wouldn't be a good idea to fly today with the strong winds! :)
But for most of the time, it's a perfectly fine drone and can make shots that would otherwise be impossible!
多謝分享 哇 好勁! 謝謝分享 Thanks for sharing !