Re: slaughter house in Cheung Sha Wan
Does anyone know how to get in?Because we tried to get in during the day, however the place is guarded and the only place where we can squeeze in is in complete view of the guards.Also does anyone know why it's guarded?Because it's abandoned, why does it need to be closely guarded?
Lastly, it saids its got it the real deal?
Mel & Ry
我地並非坊間果類「突入」、「廢墟」群組;由於呢度嘅會員嘅職業關係,我地可以從正途以團體申請做 research 或聯絡業主,得准許先會入去。
例如早前往某燈塔,果度 24 小時有人看守,由於我地屬某團體,所以可入內考察。請參考 ... 5638&extra=page%3D2
Tips : 一般做完考察後,我地會將報告嘅 copy 送交業主或相關部門,咁下次再申請時就易好多。
Tip 2 : 若去監獄,可向懲教署申請(只限團體,而佢地會先嚟你個機構做一個講座先,聽完先有得去監獄) -- 早前去過某監獄參觀,因為你閱讀權限唔夠所以睇唔到啲相。 {:2_137:} Homan 發表於 27-5-2016 10:39 PM
Yeah last time we tried to enter (during the day), there was a place where it is possible to jump over the single barb wire fence, but there are guards guarding looking RIGHT AT that point of entry.
Thank god the dog only chased me but didn't bite me...I was so scared.
egg_studio 發表於 27-5-2016 10:49 PM
我地並非坊間果類「突入」、「廢墟」群組;由於呢度嘅會員嘅職業關係,我地可以從正途以團體申請做 researc ...
Understand.Thanks for the information.However, when we enter the places, how do we know which ones can we can apply for permit (even if we are qualified), and which ones doesn't require one?Coz to be honest they all look pretty much abandoned...
But that said Mel & Ry tried to enter one a while ago, and it turned out that someone was living in it....omg