致版主:Ruin of Kaniakapupu, Oahu
呢個就係尋日同你講果個地方,請你承繼我志願,去一去探索吓~~根據 http://www.to-hawaii.com/oahu/ancientsites/kaniakapupu.php 介紹,路線係:
Directions: The site is located on Nuuanu Pali Drive, about 300 feet mauka (toward the mountains) of the Board of Water Supply building. There is a trail that leads from the road to the ruins after about 300 feet (90 m).
我上次響 Judd Trail 行入去,但搵唔到。事後發現應該俾 Google Map 上嘅相片老點咗,行錯方向。正確應該如 http://www.to-hawaii.com/oahu/ancientsites/kaniakapupu.php 所述,由路邊小路行入去 100 米,或者入 Judd Trail,但唔過河,沿河上游行,應該可以搵到。
另外紅色標示地方就係所謂/報稱 Pali 鬼屋地點,得閑去埋。