taky 發表於 5-8-2011 09:37:05

急! Keynote 1問

準備左個keynote file, 整好晒animation 同 insert 左幾個 videos, 加埋 background music... play slideshow 係無問題, 但係1 export 去 movie, D videos 就 播唔出...

急住做個clippings 出街... 有無人打救到我

Homan 發表於 5-8-2011 09:44:27


Homan 發表於 5-8-2011 09:51:22

有沒有click “import video, audio" etc?

我而家export 緊一條有2個 movie (1個 mpg,另1個是 m4v)的 keynote
export as QT movie, 等我睇睇


Are you familiar with "recording" your keynote? Try recording it, and then "export to itunes". That should make a usable QT movie.

There are a lot of moving targets in your scenario, so a little trial and error should help.

taky 發表於 5-8-2011 09:57:30

click 晒lor bor... 我宜家用緊個超stupid 既方法... export 個keynote做movie, 然後係imovie 到做editing... :'(

Homan 發表於 5-8-2011 10:15:57

在Apple community forum 有以下 “correct answer” 方法:

remove 你個 QT 10 from your computer, 之後 install QT 7
QT 10 有 問題 with keynote

i am trying to find QT 7 link for you

Homan 發表於 5-8-2011 10:27:38

to install QT 7, click here

taky 發表於 5-8-2011 10:27:45

我export 揀 fixed timing... 就好似得...

Homan 發表於 5-8-2011 10:31:47

我用緊 OSX Lion, keynote 09, 2 pages slide, 2個 page 唔同 format 的 video, 第2個 video 成 10 分鐘咁長, export 都無問題~~:victory:

Homan 發表於 5-8-2011 12:15:41


taky 發表於 5-8-2011 15:42:37


taky 發表於 8-8-2011 20:46:10

URGENT.... 有人手多upgrade 我部机上LION... 就export 唔到...

我嘗試uninstall QT10... 但部机話唔俾我unintall

taky 發表於 10-8-2011 02:22:30

sigh... keynote真係令人摸不著頭腦... export左個movie出黎, 係pc用window media player會mess up 左個background music... 咁諗住upload 上Youtube啦, 成條background music直頭唔見tim!!!:'(:'(:'(

Homan 發表於 10-8-2011 10:13:46

taky 發表於 10-8-2011 02:22 AM static/image/common/back.gif
sigh... keynote真係令人摸不著頭腦... export左個movie出黎, 係pc用window media player會mess up 左個bac ...

export 完之後,用 Total Video Converter 轉左佢做 mp4 格式,問題就解決了吧?

taky 發表於 10-8-2011 12:31:00

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