Homan 發表於 8-6-2011 21:35:32

沒developer account 而裝 iOS 5 beta


None of this is recommended. Proceed at your own risk.

[*]Locate and download an iOS 5 beta IPSW file, these are all over the web but you’ll have to find it on your own
[*]Launch iTunes and Option-Click (Mac) or Shift-Click (PC) on the “Check for Update” button to restore the iPhone
[*]Select the iOS 5 beta IPSW that you got in the first step and upgrade the iPhone
[*]When the iPhone is done updating, you will see an activation screen, ignore this
[*]Grab the iPhone and triple click on the Home button to activate Voice Over
[*]Triple click on the home button again and the Emergency Call screen will appear
[*]Tap onto Emergency Call, and while it’s switching to make the call, swipe three of your fingers down on the screen – this is the new downward swipe gesture to activate the Notifications Center
[*]Now that you’re inside Notification Center, tap on the Weather widget to load the weather app
[*]Now you can click on the iPhone Home button, and you’ll exit Weather app to be on the iPhone springboard
[*]You’re now in iOS 5 beta

慌死你地唔識google,以下是file download link:
http://www.filesonic.hk/file/114 ... A5220p_Restore.ipsw

補充: D link死得好快,我而家用美國VPN先找到1個host有,之後我試下做種子或放到iDisk比有興趣的人自己下

Homan 發表於 9-6-2011 12:40:09

經過一整晚的下載,終於下載到 iOS 5 beta 的 ipsw 檔。
而家up緊上我自己個mobile Me iDisk 內。
另外,BT seed (只適合iPhone 4 GSM, iPad1/2 的ipsw是不同的) here:

Homan 發表於 9-6-2011 13:07:34

最初試upgrade,但出現 error 3002,之後在mac forum看到以下方法… 現在試試…


I'm a paid Dev and I got the 3002 as well.I believe this is usually a provisioning problem, but my iphone/pad has been provisioned and worked for the previous 4.3 betas/etc.Neither are working now the 3002 error.I've tried a new provisioning profile without further luck.

But, I'm testing the theory that restoring the phone from the beta, rather than upgrading, may yet work.The rather large catch is that one should expect to lose everything and return to a factory install, with no gaurantees of restoring back to 4.x.Hmm... we'll soon see!               


                                                                The most surprising result...                       
                                                                                                                                            So I chose the "restore" method (option-cmd restore) to upgrade to iOS 5beta. As expected, it installed fine, but to factory defaults.After a new iOS 5 setup screen it gave me the option to restore from backup, which I chose, just to confirm if there was an escape route left.

To somewhat of a surprise, it offered up my old phone's name as a restore option, and I chose it.It went through a long process and I expected my old iOS 4 phone to come back.But, it was still iOS 5.And the most surprising result was... It also had my old data(well, it remembered which apps to install, but had to reinstall them, and my desktop asked for my MobileMe Keychain approval for iTunes for the phone).

And the second most surprising result is... it's reinstalling the old apps (in their proper folders and arrangements, it appears) - in the background!?!I guess it's not actually over-the-air at this point, but it almost feels like it, as I can open the phone.It's a bit sluggish though, so I'll wait for the installs to finish and see if it's really the best result possible (iOS 5 beta with my old data... even rhymes).


source: http://forums.macrumors.com/showthread.php?t=1164889

Homan 發表於 9-6-2011 13:27:08

upgrade 左去 iOS 5, 但未restore 番D data!!

shit... 原來要 iTunes 10.5 beta... 好彩都搵到link~

html download link for iTunes 10.5 beta: rapidshare

Homan 發表於 9-6-2011 16:13:16

:'( 衰左。cake住了在 step 6: Triple click on the home button again and the Emergency Call screen will appear

Homan 發表於 9-6-2011 16:54:40

終於上到 iOS 5 beta...

要找方法downgrade 先得… :'(

Homan 發表於 9-6-2011 17:54:37

搞左一日,唔敢玩了,玩左一個鐘 iOS5,都係downgrade 番 4.3.3
因為我只有一部iPhone 4

如果大家想試,可回post,我可以step by step教你 up/down grade
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