Homan 發表於 29-3-2011 17:08:21

MacBook Pro + Apple Display + iPad setting

大家如果又有mbp,又有apple display,仲有iPad想好有型的用?
mac OSX 係可以設定個screen打直用的,
不過,你部mbp最好都係用SSD HD,因為傳統硬碟係不建議打直用的…


egg_studio 發表於 29-3-2011 23:48:28


真的?有好多電腦 / harddrive case / external HD 都係將 harddrive打直放......

Homan 發表於 30-3-2011 00:21:09

回復 2# egg_studio

唔知呢?人云亦云矣~ {:2_138:}

hongdonald 發表於 30-3-2011 11:01:46


areslee1984 發表於 23-4-2011 22:58:25


Homan 發表於 30-5-2011 19:26:46

This is a nice Mac desk featuring a MacBook Pro 15″ atop a Griffin Elevator Laptop Standhttp://www.assoc-amazon.com/e/ir?t=&l=as2&o=1&a=B0044RUSZM&camp=217145&creative=399349 hooked up to an external 20″ Apple Cinema Display and an iPad sits alongside them both. Under the desk is a Mac Pro, but I don’t know if it’s in use… thanks for noticing that Randy!
This setup comes from Flickr. Don’t forget to check out even more Mac setups.

from Mac OS daily
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