egg_studio 發表於 6-8-2010 00:38:14

又有扒艇仔 + 跑山賽 28/8 (星期六)


Kayak n Run Lantau North
Distance: Looking at 4km kayak & 5km trail run
Registration: Starts soon.....keep updating this page daily as will start by next week.
Entry fee: Same as others HK$700 per team of 2
Categories: Same as others but we'll add another mixed category due to increase in mixed teams.
Rules: Same as before

egg_studio 發表於 10-8-2010 01:46:25


地點:白芒 -- 大蠔灣

我 28/8 已攞假,今次有冇人參加?

alexphoto 發表於 13-8-2010 11:13:31

Kayak我都幾有興趣, 但條trail難唔難?有冇多d資料?

Homan 發表於 13-8-2010 12:39:50

回復 3# alexphoto

5K trail,難極都係半程第3段啫~~ 唔會死人架!

c_Foo 發表於 13-8-2010 14:44:14

回復 4# Homan

死咗點算先 {:2_137:}

egg_studio 發表於 14-8-2010 02:32:54

回復 5# c_Foo

好似環法車神話齋,呢 d 咁危險嘅活動梗係唔好參加啦。
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查看完整版本: 又有扒艇仔 + 跑山賽 28/8 (星期六)