willywong 發表於 19-7-2010 23:22:28


save your $$ and go get it!

Homan 發表於 20-7-2010 00:13:13

在Apple store賣? 各大電器/電腦場?定係手機服務供應商?

garfield 發表於 20-7-2010 00:43:58

Ultimate will have stock early next week ! For 64G WIFI only sell on HK$54xx, really cheaper than US. (HK$59XX)

sunnyslhf 發表於 20-7-2010 01:18:13

great..want buy 32GB..

sunnyslhf 發表於 25-7-2010 02:09:21

買唔到了.. 不過入左部輕notebook.. Sony 既VPCX127LG

sunnyslhf 發表於 27-7-2010 23:14:36

依家可以係 HK Apple Store 買了
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