garfield 發表於 5-5-2010 08:02:18

Coz I need the DVD-Rom to install the EZ-Tour in my notebook to retrieve the GPS data.

Homan 發表於 5-5-2010 10:49:47

okok... i will give it to u by this week... :)

garfield 發表於 7-5-2010 23:46:35

Map Data for the China Bike Trip on last week end.

egg_studio 發表於 7-5-2010 23:59:04

你可以直接 upload 個 HTML code 上嚟,咁其他人可以放大嚟睇

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查看完整版本: 132km 長征 (皇崗-沙頭角-大小梅沙-南澳-西涌) 後記