c_Foo 發表於 20-4-2010 10:00:29

i-Phone 4G 流出 ~~

What's new
• Front-facing video chat camera
• Improved regular back-camera (the lens is quite noticeably larger than the iPhone 3GS)
• Camera flash
• Micro-SIM instead of standard SIM (like the iPad)
• Improved display. It's unclear if it's the 960x640 display thrown around before—it certainly looks like it, with the "Connect to iTunes" screen displaying much higher resolution than on a 3GS.
• What looks to be a secondary mic for noise cancellation, at the top, next to the headphone jack
• Split buttons for volume
• Power, mute, and volume buttons are all metallic
What's changed
• The back is entirely flat, made of either glass (more likely) or ceramic or shiny plastic in order for the cell signal to poke through. Tapping on the back makes a more hollow and higher pitched sound compared to tapping on the glass on the front/screen, but that could just be the orientation of components inside making for a different sound
• An aluminum border going completely around the outside
• Slightly smaller screen than the 3GS (but seemingly higher resolution)
• Everything is more squared off
• 3 grams heavier
• 16% Larger battery
• Internals components are shrunken, miniaturized and reduced to make room for the larger battery


egg_studio 發表於 21-4-2010 18:26:01

回覆 1# c_Foo

呢單嘢今日明報轉載咗,應該唔係吹水 (雖然明報已經蘋果化)。

對於事主所講嘅 "德國啤酒" ,幾年前響外國 d 德國酒吧飲咗杯,飲完真係車都揸唔到~~


不慎弄失手機常有發生,但因弄失手機而成為轟動全球的新聞卻鮮有聽聞——除非你弄失的,竟是蘋果仍未推出的 iPhone 4G!日前在加州一間酒吧被人拾獲的「疑似下一代iPhone」,已證實為蘋果所有。《紐約時報》報道透露,蘋果總裁喬布斯甚至親自致電現時持有這部「遺失手機」的科技網站Gizmodo,要求取回這部外泄的新一代iPhone原型。

弄失這部手機的,是蘋果27歲年輕工程師鮑威爾(Gray Powell)。3月18日晚上,鮑威爾在加州雷德伍德市(Redwood)一家露天酒吧喝酒。他使用這部手機更新了一次facebook,寫道:「我實在是低估了德國啤酒如何棒。」——豈料這卻成為鮑威爾在這部絕密新機的最後「遺言」,半醉半醒的他,之後把電話放在酒吧的苐子上就離去。


但他一覺醒來後卻發現,這部iPhone已被蘋果公司透過遠端鎖定,無法打開。那時他才注意到這部手機的外觀「並不尋常」。這部iPhone前面有鏡頭,外形也和iPhone 3GS不太一樣。他曾多次致電蘋果,但沒有人把他當回事。他一直在等電話,卻始終未獲回電。


《紐約時報》透露,蘋果總裁喬布斯曾親自致電Gizmodo,要求取回這部iPhone原型機,但雙方都不願證實有關消息。根據Gizmodo母公司Gawker的編輯總監Brian Lam表示,他周一收到蘋果法律總顧問寄來的一封「要回iPhone」信函。通常蘋果新產品第一次亮相,都是由總裁喬布斯站在講台上親自發布。到底這部新 iPhone是為了測試外界反應而故意外流,抑或是蘋果員工不小心遺下?答案可能永遠是一個謎。
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