Adobe CS 5 黎啦!
駛唔駛出得咁快? 我唔多用PS, 真係唔知仲可以有咩新功能? 我連PS2啲功能都未摸熟 Homan 兄,係時候做野 {:2_137:} 有咩唔識,我可答你 CS4先啦... 我都係剛剛買左CS4的書... 又來CS5?唔好玩我啦... 冇人玩你,學到既係自己嗎 {:2_137:} 我仲有隻 Photoshop 1.0 我好似仲有PHOTOSHOP ELEMENT 2.0
當年跟300D送的… 我係單數upgrade, CS, CS3, CS5應該冇走雞 回覆 8# willywong
我都係喎,我部 iMac 用緊 CS3;iBook 用緊 CS 買CS4/5幾錢呢? 定係某D地方可以搵到?
thanks where is 某D地方? 今日睇過CS5的review,有個叫「content aware」的分唇非常不錯! 本帖最後由 willywong 於 15-4-2010 12:05 PM 編輯
Thisis a tool we've all been wanting for a long time without even knowing we wantedit. When removing an image element, Content-Aware replaces the missing pixelsas if having a subject walk off camera for the second shot. After a few secondsof processing, Photoshop seamlessly fills the foreground subject with theentire background. This new feature matches tone, lighting, and noise and makesthe image appear like an original photograph as if the deleted content neverexisted.
Seamlessly blending the background where asection of the image was removed, Content-Aware Fill completes the process withina few seconds
相片愈來愈唔可靠囉 {:2_137:} 其實市場進入數碼年代已經唔可靠 有冇師兄有報今個星期五既CS5發佈會,如有可以一齊去,到時電聯! 我會下午先去,因為我淨係想聽photoshop,你全日都在? 聽朝醒咗睇下點,攪掂d嘢先去,到咗call我啦 明天下午可能有空,willy兄call埋小弟please 回覆 19# Homan