egg_studio 發表於 19-2-2010 19:44:51

星期六賽事--27 Feb 2010 大欖環塘路線更改


第一張為 AAE Michael 的「官方地圖」,第二及三張係私伙 GPS 地圖 -- 新路位置係石屎路上到頂後,下山至差不多到平路時,左邊一個路口(因為下山速度快關係,多數都係一閃即過唔多覺),進入漁護署建築物,然後過古蹟「吉慶橋」(建於 1868 年)後上番大草地 (BBQ 地) 再接回原路 (永吉橋)。

至於開放元荃古道作越野單車徑,如果支持的話,不妨 email ([email protected]) 到漁護署或者響呢度留個言。

Action Asia Events Newsletter :

Dear all Volvo XC MTBs in race 1 next weekend,

see REVISED map (note AFCD short-cut) as AFCD have been kind enough to allow us to use their old AFCD building and the stair case behind directly to the grass bbq area which cuts out around 600-700m of road. Not 100% ideal but better than no race.

This is because the local villagers have objected to the race due to bikers crossing the Wing Kat Bridge road at the end of the reservoir. They drive their cars across this bridge and use it for bringing in buses for their private business. Ironic a small village with private wargames business can have precedent over a public event in a public park.

So AFCD actually cleared the path, fallen trees and overgrown grass behind their building which has been closed for many years and will open it for you bikers for this race only. It will be closed before and after the race. We had 3 riders test it this morning and is rideable for intermediate to advanced riders. Novice riders will want to carry their bike down the stairs that will take around 30 seconds.

It's not easy dealing with villagers. We have asked them to kindly consider opening the Yuen Tuen Ancient trail for the race for the race only and this has fallen on deaf ears, but we will keep lobbying them. If there is any good news about this AFCD short-cut, it is that the Yuen Tuen trail comes out opposite the AFCD short-cut. We can explain to AFCD it makes sense to go to the next step and cut out most of the cement road and give permission to use the Yuen Tuen trail making the 15km loop at least 80% dirt trail.

We encourage you to send email to the AFCD at [email protected] to keep asking them to open the Yuen Tuen Ancient Trail and more trails for mtn biking in HK. Keep up the preasure.

See revised map attached.

Kind regards
Michael Maddess
Race Director & Course Designer

egg_studio 發表於 21-2-2010 00:06:29

今日 AAE's Michael email 咗清楚 d 嘅新路線情況,請睇睇:

Hi Kay,
You turn off the road directly into the land of the AFCD building (they will open the gate on race day as closed to public) and you will ride thru their compound (flat) and then to the back where their is a set of stairs going straight down (50m or so down) to the Kat Hing Bridge (AFCD gate 20m from this bridge also locked and will be open on race day only).

果條報稱 50 m 樓梯唔知落唔落到?
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