如題,任選其一作答…<br>回覆 1# 的帖子
老黎嘅-------------------------畀碌能你含 假如本身已經係毒男,唔怕比人知道真本性,又有咩選擇!? 你班友搞乜呀?坐低猜枚飲酒喇!<img smilieid="5" src="http://www.photomarket.hk/images/smilies/default/huffy.gif" border="0"><br> 生日歌...... <img src="./images/smilies/others/79.gif" .="" images="" smilies="" others="" 79.gif="" smilieid="67" alt="<img src=" border="0"> <span style="font-weight: bold; color: Blue;">ENCORE</span>生日歌......<img src="./images/smilies/others/91.gif" .="" images="" smilies="" others="" 91.gif="" smilieid="69" alt="<img src=" border="0"><br>回覆 6# 的帖子
一入房就係咁唱串燒生日歌 , 明明冇人生日都照唱 .... 唱到個個都憎你 , 之後發脾 4 走 .... 連單都唔駛埋 .... 可以試試 .... :handshake 呢個方法真係牛b! 咁如果係我地幾個去唱,我怕我地一開波就爭住唱生日歌… Happy Birthday to X!Happy Birthday to X!Happy Birthday to X!Happy Birthday to X!Happy Birthday to X!Happy Birthday to X!Happy Birthday to X!Happy Birthday to X!Happy Birthday to X!50字啊,拿拿聲加分la hahahhahahahahhaha