c_Foo 發表於 10-11-2009 14:41:20


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<DIV class=info><A href="http://www.mingpaonews.com/" target=_blank><IMG src="http://l.yimg.com/mq/i/nws/partner/mp.gif" height=30><FONT color=#0000ff> </FONT></A>(明報)2009年11月10日 星期二 08:50</DIV>
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<P>澳洲廣播公司(ABC)指,一名21歲的澳洲大學生Ashley Towns承認,是他製造這種能夠由手機傳給手機的病毒。</P>
<P>受病毒侵襲的iphone手機,其wallpaper會變成一張1980年代英國流行歌星Rick Astley的照片,並會顯示"Ikee is never gonna give you up"的文字。 </P>
<P>病毒製造者Ashley Towns與家人居於悉尼以南的Wollongong市。他表示,創製病毒是為讓人們警覺到安全的問題。</P>

egg_studio 發表於 10-11-2009 15:11:08

so, do not jailbreak, as Apple said.

Homan 發表於 10-11-2009 15:14:45


hongdonald 發表於 10-11-2009 16:58:13

JB harms you
How about ipod Touch?Will the virus effect on Touch?
Cause I am planning to get a Touch from apple store at Christmas.

egg_studio 發表於 10-11-2009 17:01:36

If you not jailbreak your iPod you wouldnt have to worry because virus attaches when security is disable by JB

hongdonald 發表於 10-11-2009 17:15:00

Apple is fxxking powerful..
No doubt...The 32 gb version is really a deal to get one...
I will become 潮人 if I get more and more apple product.
Eat an apple per day,the doctor stay away from you

hongdonald 發表於 10-11-2009 17:16:17

Time to escape from the hell..
Peter see you tonight.I am going to check the price of rose/百合,etc..
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查看完整版本: iPhone首遭病毒襲擊