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<DIV class=info><A href="http://www.mingpaonews.com/" target=_blank><IMG src="http://l.yimg.com/mq/i/nws/partner/mp.gif" height=30><FONT color=#0000ff> </FONT></A>(明報)2009年11月10日 星期二 08:50</DIV>
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<P>澳洲廣播公司(ABC)指,一名21歲的澳洲大學生Ashley Towns承認,是他製造這種能夠由手機傳給手機的病毒。</P>
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<P>受病毒侵襲的iphone手機,其wallpaper會變成一張1980年代英國流行歌星Rick Astley的照片,並會顯示"Ikee is never gonna give you up"的文字。 </P>
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<P>病毒製造者Ashley Towns與家人居於悉尼以南的Wollongong市。他表示,創製病毒是為讓人們警覺到安全的問題。</P>
<P>他說,其病毒證明,任何人都可以輕易對iPhone發動攻擊。他強調,其病毒除了會將iPhone的wallpaper改變之外,不會對手機造成任何損害。</P></DIV></DIV> so, do not jailbreak, as Apple said. 有D做馬之嫌… JB harms you
How about ipod Touch?Will the virus effect on Touch?
Cause I am planning to get a Touch from apple store at Christmas. If you not jailbreak your iPod you wouldnt have to worry because virus attaches when security is disable by JB Wow
Apple is fxxking powerful..
No doubt...The 32 gb version is really a deal to get one...
I will become 潮人 if I get more and more apple product.
Eat an apple per day,the doctor stay away from you Time to escape from the hell..
Peter see you tonight.I am going to check the price of rose/百合,etc..