Canon EOS-1D Mark IV
New Canon EOS-1D Mark IV coming in Dec.<br><br><a href=""></a><br><br> 1 系對小弟來講係遙不可及啊!精準既對焦,有型而大部既全黑機身,絕對係溝死女啊:victory: :lol Canon has announced the long-awaited successor to the EOS-1D MarkIII. The EOS-1D Mark IV <span style="font-weight: bold; color: Blue;">features a totally new 45-point autofocus
system</span> that's claimed to fix all the issues reported with its
predecessor, and has been extensively tested by professionals prior to
launch. The new model also sports 10 fps continuous shooting, a new
1.3x crop (APS-H) 16.1 megapixel CMOS sensor and 1080p HD video
capture. Like the recently announced Nikon D3S, the EOS-1D Mark IV
pushes the sensitivity barrier with a top rating of ISO 102,400.<br><br>
<p>Jump to:</p>
<ul type="square"><li><a href="">Press Release</a></li><li><a href="">Specifications</a></li><li><a href="">Additional images</a></li></ul><br><br><img src="" border="0"><br> 可拍片的1仔啊 不是 full frame 不考慮 :L
回復 5# 的帖子
咁就簡單了,1Ds4等緊你呀! <P>原帖由 <I>egg_studio</I> 於 21-10-2009 18:16 發表 <A href="" target=_blank><IMG border=0 alt="" src=""></A> 不是 full frame 不考慮 <IMG border=0 alt=:L src="" smilieid="10"> </P><P> </P>
<P>X2 <IMG border=0 alt="" src="" smilieid="14"> </P>
<img src="" border="0"><br><img src="" border="0"><br> 完全係太貴了......... 因為個人需要而言,依家部 10D 雖然像素得 630 萬,但我都好少要用 L 影 (多數用 M) ,反正最後都係響電腦個 mon 睇,所以其實取決於個 mon / 電腦用幾高 resolution。就算要晒相,12R 已經夠晒了。<br><br>新機對焦係快,但舊機其實亦唔慢,所以到最後,如果 upgrade 完之後又係 1.5 (or 1.3) 咁除咗「貪過癮」之外我都諗唔到有乜理由要 upgrade<br><br>所以 upgrade 一定要 full frame <img smilieid="3" src="" border="0"><br><br>今日收工同個 friend 睇相機,佢用開 400D, 依家想買部 500D ,咁我問佢為乜要 upgrade, 佢真係話「貪過癮」,同埋部 400D 好舊了。之後又問我 d 光圈快門係乜,聽到之後我都費事同佢講乜乜構圖+內容,緊要過光圈+快門+ISO (noise) 之類 (平時同學生講果套) 。最後我勸佢攞 d 錢買 iPhone 有用過買相機,至少 iPhone 冇得較光圈快門,等佢學下用個心黎影相 -- 仲可以聽歌、睇戲、講電話 -- Canon d 相機都未可以聽歌、睇戲、講電話...... <img smilieid="9" src="" border="0"><br><br>原帖由 <i>michael1611</i> 於 22-10-2009 16:25 發表 <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="" border="0"></a>
回覆 10# 的帖子
同意upgrade就full frame... 聽講有個師兄有部5D想放…:handshake How much??? <img smilieid="12" src="" border="0"><br><br>原帖由 <i>Homan</i> 於 15-11-2009 01:52 發表 <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="" border="0"></a>同意upgrade就full frame... 聽講有個師兄有部5D想放…<img src="./images/smilies/default/handshake.gif" smilieid="17" alt=":handshake" border="0"> 好似要5-6萬蚊 ~ 唔抵買 ~ 正!!正!!正!!