c_Foo 發表於 17-8-2009 12:23:48

日本版 iPOD ~~

<P>圖中既日本版 iPod 好靚,有冇人知道係邊度買,我好想買返部 ( 條手繩好靚 ) <IMG alt="" src="http://photomarket.hk/images/smilies/others/88.gif" border=0 smilieid="74"> !!!</P>

hongdonald 發表於 17-8-2009 13:07:52

Seems like DIY items.. My 2nd Gen is JP version too..

egg_studio 發表於 17-8-2009 13:40:15

What is the difference between Japanese and non-Japanese version?

hongdonald 發表於 17-8-2009 13:51:29

<P>原帖由 <I>egg_studio</I> 於 2009-8-17 13:40 發表 <A href="http://photomarket.hk/redirect.php?goto=findpost&amp;pid=9842&amp;ptid=1230" target=_blank><IMG alt="" src="http://photomarket.hk/images/common/back.gif" border=0></A> What is the difference between Japanese and non-Japanese version? </P>

Homan 發表於 17-8-2009 14:12:09

原帖由 <i>hongdonald</i> 於 2009-8-17 13:07 發表 <a href="http://www.photomarket.hk/redirect.php?goto=findpost&amp;pid=9839&amp;ptid=1230" target="_blank"><img src="http://www.photomarket.hk/images/common/back.gif" alt="" border="0"></a>
Seems like DIY items.. My 2nd Gen is JP version too.. <br><br>似key上去啵…<img smilieid="63" src="http://www.photomarket.hk/images/smilies/others/da4c2d5e.gif" border="0"><br>

egg_studio 發表於 17-8-2009 20:06:17

回復 4# 的帖子

咁當年你幾錢買? 日本版貴 d?

當年 iPod 未有響各大影音店發售(好似),我同 Willy 上網買一人一部,$3999

hongdonald 發表於 18-8-2009 13:49:20

原帖由 <I>egg_studio</I> 於 2009-8-17 20:06 發表 <A href="http://photomarket.hk/redirect.php?goto=findpost&amp;pid=9866&amp;ptid=1230" target=_blank><IMG alt="" src="http://photomarket.hk/images/common/back.gif" border=0></A> 咁當年你幾錢買? 日本版貴 d? 當年 iPod 未有響各大影音店發售(好似),我同 Willy 上網買一人一部,$3999 我買二手的,500大元
頁: [1]
查看完整版本: 日本版 iPOD ~~